Friday, December 29, 2006

Testing Email Blogging

Hello, I'm testing a feature that I found while going through the Blogger settings feature. From what I understand, I can email this to Blogger and it will post it to my blog. If this is correct and it works, it is an amazing tool that I see myself using A LOT! Later days.


TheRoss said...

Amazing... impressed doesn't begin to describe this!

Grindy said...

Hey hook a brotha up, that could be very helpful :)

TheRoss said...

Alright, go to your settings section, select the "Email" tab and create the email address for the mail-to-blogger field. Then, send an email to that email address.

The subject line is the title and body is your post. Be sure not to have an email signature or anything in the email, as this will show up in the post.

Happy Email-Blogging!